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One of the most frequent plumbing issues we come across in homes at Emergency Plumbers is poor water pressure, when your ‘power’ shower is more of a dribble it can be a severe annoyance!

So how can you boost water pressure and why is water pressure low in so many areas.

The UK existing mains water has had its pressure reduced to combat leaks, also where more homes and buildings are being built the existing network cannot deal with the increase in water demand. This problem is particularly prevalent at peak usage times and is increasingly becoming a frustration for many homeowners across the country.

A great starting point is looking at your heating system. If you have a combi/megaflow boiler system your only real choice is to boost your whole house, even if it’s just a bathroom tap that needs boosting.

If you have a gravity fed system then you can choose to boost just a single shower or tap but if you have more than one outlet to boost, it is more efficient boosting the whole house. We would always recommend boosting the whole home, its better to do the job properly the first time around!

You can increase water pressure by installing a break tank, this will give you a reservoir of water to boost water from (You cannot add a pump directly to the mains.)

You can then add a pump a control unit to the tank.

The average home will need a 200-litre tank.

Increasing water pressure in your home is easily achievable, we certainly wouldn’t recommend the average DIYer to attempt this job, so give us a call today, we can provide you with a quotation and advice on increasing water pressure in your home. We service St Albans, Watford, Bushey, Barnet, Edgware, Borehamwood and the surrounding areas. See our website now for a list of our services: